Weekly Update City of Darlington
Free Medical Clinic of Darlington County will hold a Blood Drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, July 17, at the Darlington location, 203 Grove St., Darlington. All donors will receive a free T-Shirt. To schedule your appointment, visit www.redcrossblood.org; sponsor code "freemedicalclinic."
Darlington Raceway announces its newly renamed, Bridget Holloman Administration Building, to recognize Mrs. Holloman's outstanding 48 years of service to not just Darlington Raceway, but to NASCAR and our community. Congratulations on an amazing career, enjoy your retirement. You will be missed dearly.
The Darlington Downtown Revitalization Association (DDRA) is asking for YOU to be a hero for our local restaurants this summer. Eat at 20 locally owned restaurants, collect a stamp at each, and mail in your entry for a chance to win one of three $250 cash prizes! Eating at DDRA Member businesses counts twice!
- You must be age 18 and older to enter.
- You may make multiple entries to increase your odds of winning
- Entries from one month will roll into the next month's pot.
- Purchases at DDRA-member businesses count twice towards the 20 required stops.
WELCOME BACK TO THE LIBRARY! Before you enter, please be aware that have instituted some restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID 19. A face covering or mask is required while in the Library. Non-medical masks, bandannas, scarves, and cloth can be used. If you do not have a mask, please contact the staff for a mask. While in the Library practice a minimum of 6 feet of social distancing. Do not enter the Library if you have a fever, cough, or flu-like symptoms. We are limiting the number of customers and staff in our buildings at all times. The only seating available is at our public computers. Public restrooms and meeting rooms are closed. Call ahead if you need one-on-one assistance or more information on our customer and staff safety precautions.
The Darlington County School District will be offering a free summer nutrition program for children. Hot meals will be available for pickup between 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Both breakfast and lunch will be available for pickup at the same time. The meals are free to anyone 18 years old or younger. The child must be present to receive the meal. For more information, please contact 843-398-2315.
Curbside pickup will be available at the following locations:
- Rosenwald Elementary/ Middle School
- Lamar High School
- Darlington High School
- Mayo High School for Math, Science & Technology
- Hartsville Middle School
- Thornwell School of the Arts
Darlington County Courthouse will be restricted to appointment only to maintain social distancing requirements. Call 843-398-4100
City of Darlington Offices will be restricted to appointment only to maintain social distancing requirements. Call 843-398-4000
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center is accepting donations of unused, handmade face masks for staff in non-patient care areas and patients without COVID-19 symptoms to wear. If you would like to make a donation, please contact Miranda Peavy at miranda.peavy@cprmc.com or 843-339-4563 to arrange for delivery.
Nick's BBQ will be closed for vacation this week and will re-open on Monday, July 13.
Taki's Diner, 609 Pearl St., Darlington
The Darlington County Council on Aging will be providing emergency meals to seniors age 60+ during the Covid-19 crisis. Meals will be available for drive-thru pick up at the Council on Aging locations throughout Darlington County from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. each Tuesday. Seniors will be provided a box of free meals, on a first come, first serve basis, at the senior center located in Hartsville, Darlington, Lamar, and Society Hill. Drive-thru service will be offered while supplies last. Check out FACEBOOK or call 843-393-8521. Rain cancels and will be rescheduled. Seniors, family member or caregiver may pick up by providing the senior's ID and required information.
- Must be a senior citizen (60+) or taking the meal to a senior citizen
- Must be a resident of Darlington County
- Must provide name, address, phone number, and a nutrition survey at time of pickup
- Only 2 meal boxes per car
- Individuals are only permitted one pick-up per week. Each eligible senior must provide a state issued ID to receive a box
- Darlington, Brunson-Dargan Elementary School, 400 Wells St.
- Hartsville Senior Center, 1103 S. Sixth Street, Butler Building
- Lamar Nutrition Center, 628 Carterville Hwy., Robert L Grooms Building
- Society Hill Nutrition Community Center, 223 Hall Street
Darlington City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 7, at City Hall, 400 Pearl St., for its regular monthly meeting. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will be limited seating available in person. Masks are required. View the meeting live online at www.facebook.com/DarlingtonSC/live. Find more info at www.CityofDarlington.com.
Darlington Country Club will continue to have takeout Tuesday dinner specials from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at 125 Country Club Road. Call before noon Tuesday to order. 843-393-2196
The City Pool opens for the summer on July 8 at 115 Gary St., Darlington. The pool will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. weather permitting Wednesdays through Saturdays until Darlington County School District comes back in the August. Cost: $1 per day.
Darlington Country Club will continue to serve lunch Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for its Members at 125 Country Club Road.
Enjoy Wine Down Wednesdays at Chianti's Wings & Things, 124 Cashua St., Darlington, from 4 to 9 p.m. with wine and wing specials.
Wednesday Night Dogfight begins each week at 5:30 p.m. at Darlington Country Club. Register at the Pro Shop by 5 o'clock.
Join Creatio for his first show at Vintage Craft Beer and Wine from 7 to 10 p.m. July 8 on College Avenue in Hartsville. He will be shooting a music video during his performance, so come be part of the show!
Fahrenheit 225 will have Isolation Trivia Night on Thursdays with four rounds 30-minute rounds beginning at 6 p.m. Each round will consist of 6 questions worth one point each. Each question will be asked as a separate Facebook post. Submit your answer as a reply. The point will go to the first correct answer. Please reply only once with your answer, and do not add any additional replies to that particular post. Any edited answers will not be scored. Each round's winner will be given a $5 credit at the restaurant. Pick up to-go orders at 26 Public Square, Darlington. Call in take-out orders at (843) 944-0321.
Sportsman Spectacular will be held July 10-12 at Darlington Dragway, 2056 E Bobo Newsom Hwy, Hartsville. Info: darlingtondragway.com.
Each Friday, Excel Gymnastics and Tumble Academy will be having Fun Gym from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the academy, 102 Lamar St., Hartsville. Games, prizes, fun and more. Cost is $15. Pizza and drinks can be added for an additional $2.50. Open to the public. For ages 3 and up. Info: (843)-917-0022
The Soup Kitchen is open from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Saturday mornings at 586 W. West Broad St.
Virtual Childbirth Preparation Class: Carolina Pines is now offering free virtual childbirth classes for expectant parents ONLINE from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 11. The classes will be in 40-minute increments and each session will have a different link. Please call (843) 339-4563 to register and receive the links.
Faith Plus Ministry Community Outreach will be held July 11 and every 2nd Saturday of the month from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., to help those that are in need of food, clothing and household goods. Event begins at 1 p.m. Hosted by Kingdom of Gods Children at 811 N. Governor Williams Highway, Darlington. Everyone in the surrounding Darlington County are All welcome to attend. Food and Refreshments will be served. If anyone has any barely used clothing and household items they will like to donate, please contact Sis Laura Byrd (843) 420-9150 for more detail and information.
Girls Computing League is holding a robotics webinar for students at 2 p.m. July 11. We'll be covering both FLL and FTC, with some virtual demonstrations and the opportunity to run code on robots! Register by July 9 here: http://girlscomputingleague.org/robotics-webinar/. For further questions after filling this form, contact us at workshops@girlscomputingleague.org.
After the protesting and rioting, it's now time for mothers to come together and discuss how we can save our sons and daughters. Join us for the next Moms meeting at 6:30 p.m. July 11 on Zoom as we discuss keeping our kids and loved ones protected!
The Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce's Annual Freedom Fest will be rescheduled for the fall due to COVID-19 concerns.
Parking Lot Church in the grassy area behind the ball field at 10:30 a.m. at Mechanicsville Baptist Church. There will be ushers directing you where to park your vehicle. Once parked, please tune your radio to 102.5FM. All are welcome.
Youth Spaghetti Lunch - Fundraiser: Immediately following the parking lot service on July 12, the youth will have spaghetti plates available for pick up. There is no charge for the plates, but donations will be accepted. All money raised will support Puerto Rico Missions and will help support the planned trip that will be taken on July 25. We thank you for always supporting our youth group and we ask for prayers for the team headed to Puerto Rico this Summer and that God works in the lives of our youth!
Davis Bradley will be coming Friends Mission Church off Ousleydale Road, Hartsville, on Sunday at 11 a.m. July 12 to fellowship in song and praise.
Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church in Lamar will hold services at 11 a.m. in person or online. Masks required in person. (843) 332-1188.
Mark Your Calendar
Junior Golf Academy Operation 36 begins July 16 at 5 p.m. at Darlington Country Club and continues through July 23. Cost is $200 for members, $250 for non-members. As you can see, that includes 10 different sessions split between one on one instruction and Four 9-hole matches on Thursdays at 5 p.m., and an Award Ceremony and a Pizza/Pool Party at 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 23.
Affordable Preventative Vet Clinics visit Tractor Supply, 1527 S. Main St., Darlington, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. July 19 and on the third Sunday of each month. (THRU AUG., then Sept. 13)
Miss Darlington County USA/Miss Raceway City USA, Miss Darlington County Teen USA and Miss Raceway City Teen USA will crown four winners on August 1 at the Darlington Raceway Stock Car Museum, winners will advance to the Miss South Carolina USA and Miss South Carolina Teen USA pageants in November at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center. Visit the website at missdarlingtonsc.wixsite.com/darlingtonpageant encouraging all local young women to step outside the box and try something new!
On Saturday, August 22nd, the Long Bluff Historical Society will sponsor the annual Taste of Society Hill at the historic Adam Marshall House. If you would like to participate as a sponsor or vendor, please call (813) 323-1445. The Taste of Society Hill is $20 per person at the door. Ages 21 and older only. Proceeds benefit historic preservation in the Society Hill area with on-going projects in the community.
The Southern 500 Golf Tournament will be held August 28-30 at Darlington Country Club, 125 Country Club Road. Contact the ProShop at (843) 393-0236 ext. 101 or by email at proshop@darlingtoncountryclub.com for details.
Click here for a list of what businesses are operating and at what capacity. Please send information to info@buildupdarlington.org or text 843-992-1561 to update a listing. We will continue to update this link, www.buildupdarlington.org/covid19, as we get information.
For general information about COVID-19, the World Health Organization, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control are trusted sources of information. We encourage you to visit their websites for the most current and correct information.
- World Health Organization
- Centers for Disease Control
- S.C. Department of Health & Environmental Control
DHEC Careline 855-472-3432: Get answers to common questions about the Corona Virus from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week.
If you are sick, MUSC Health offers a Virtual Visit to determine if you should leave home to seek medical attention if you think you may have been exposed to the Corona Virus. Use promo code "COVID19" at this link.
While City Offices will be restricted to staff and appointments only, individuals are encouraged to do all business by phone or email during this event. City staff will be available by phone and email, and essential services will not be interrupted. You can find updates here.
All City offices are restricted to essential personnel only.
You may call the following numbers with service-related issues
- Emergencies, call 911
- Business Licenses - 843-398-4000 ext. 101
- Permits - 843-398-4029
- Water/Sewer, Normal Business Hours, - 843-398-4040
- Water/Sewer, After 5 p.m., - 843-758-1127
- Fire, Non-emergency - 843-398-4013
- Police, Non-emergency - 843-398-4026
- Municipal Court - 843-398-4004
- Streets & Sanitation - 843-398-4035
- Media Inquiries - 843-992-1561
You may still pay your utility bill or traffic citation online here. City staff will disinfect public areas more frequently and have hand sanitizer available in public buildings. Garbage, recycling, and yard debris collection will remain on regular schedule.
Download the DDRA Membership Application here. Download a Map Location Form for your business. Return to info@buildupdarlington.org or DDRA, P.O. Pox 57, Darlington, SC 29540.
To have your event listed on our websites, please email info@buildupdarlington.org or call 843-398-4000 x 103 by the week prior to your event.