Weekly Update City of Darlington
MEET THE NEW GENERAL MANAGER FOR THE NEWS AND PRESS! Johnnie Daniels took over the position of General Manager for the News and Press on May 1. Daniels succeeds Morrey Thomas after the News and Press was recently acquired by the Herald Group and Jordan family from the Thomas family. Daniels is a seasoned newspaper veteran having served as the Advertising Director and General Manager of The Dillon Herald as well as covering Dillon County high school sports and other activities for nearly 50 years. Anyone who needs to contact him may do so by e-mailing newsandpress@yahoo.com or calling him at 843-230-4653.
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center is accepting donations of unused, handmade face masks for staff in non-patient care areas and patients without COVID-19 symptoms to wear. If you would like to make a donation, please contact Miranda Peavy at miranda.peavy@cprmc.com or 843-339-4563 to arrange for delivery.
Due to COVID-19 and the Governor's Orders, the Annual DDRA Golf Tournament at the Darlington Country Club has been rescheduled for WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24. Enjoy a delicious lunch before heading out for an afternoon of captain's choice golf. Thanks to all our great sponsors! Carolina Bank and Darlington Raceway have presented this event for many years, and we are so thankful! We appreciate the additional support from McLean Marechal Insurance - Nationwide Insurance, Fitness World Gyms, and - new this year - The Coca-Cola Company! Together we can build our community up! If needed, we will reassess the social distancing rules and reschedule the event each month until we can have the tournament
Medford Nursing Center not only had ice cream sundaes but the residents' lives were made a little brighter by the Ice Cream Cow making "Socially Distanced" visits. #wilsonseniorcare
The Darlington Country Club's new Head Golf Professional Jordan Hinson has hit the ground running with Operation 36, a program that will be used to conduct lessons and clinics over the summer as well as year-round, especially for juniors. More information and dates to be announced.
Hinson is an associate in the PGA apprentice program and is working towards his PGA Class A status. Originally from Great Falls, S.C., he took up the game of golf at a very young age and his love for the game has never changed. He comes to Darlington with a wealth of knowledge in the golf industry working in both the public and private sides, including clubs like Edgewater Golf Club, Springfield Golf Club, and Spring Valley Country Club. Jordan also played collegiately at the University of South Carolina Lancaster as well as Columbia International University in Columbia. His background in competitive golf at an elite amateur level, combined with knowledge gained through the PGA program will be a huge asset for our facility. He currently lives in Lancaster with his wife Ashley Hinson and their 2 dogs, Jimmy Dean and Savannah. Welcome to Darlington Jordan!
Darlington County Courthouse will be restricted to appointment only to maintain social distancing requirements. Call 843-398-4100
As the leading provider of news, information and advertising in the Pee Dee Region today the Morning News is proud to announce the launch of our Local Marketing Grant program. This program offers matching marketing funds to local businesses in the Pee Dee whose livelihood has been impacted by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. This program will be available to locally owned and operated businesses impacted by the COVID-19 virus, and will provide advertising grants for use in Morning News' print and digital publications and services. This program builds upon our existing commitment to our local business community through such successful initiatives as our free Buy Local gift card program, our Pick-Up and Delivery Directory for local restaurants offering carry-out and delivery as well as our Shop Local We're Open business pages and online Business Directory. Local grants will range from $250 to $15,000 each month, and will be awarded in April, May and June. Applicants may apply online.
Find out other business operations updates HERE.
SPC Credit Union is excited to announce the reopening of the lobby of Darlington Branch, 609 N Main Street, Darlington, on May 26. You can find more details in a FAQ provided at the website, spccu.org/covid-19reopening.
The Darlington County Council on Aging will be providing emergency meals to seniors age 60+ during the Covid-19 crisis. Meals will be available for drive-thru pick up at the Council on Aging locations throughout Darlington County from 10 a.m. to 12 noon each Tuesday. Seniors will be provided a box of free meals, on a first come, first serve basis, at the senior center located in Hartsville, Darlington, Lamar, and Society Hill. Drive-thru service will be offered while supplies last. Check out FACEBOOK or call 843-393-8521. Rain cancels and will be rescheduled. Seniors, family member or caregiver may pick up by providing the senior's ID and required information.
- Must be a senior citizen (60+) or taking the meal to a senior citizen
- Must be a resident of Darlington County
- Must provide name, address, phone number, and a nutrition survey at time of pickup
- Only 2 meal boxes per car
- Individuals are only permitted one pick-up per week. Each eligible senior must provide a state issued ID to receive a box
- Darlington, 1032 Pearl Street, in front of Fitness World Gyms
- Hartsville Senior Center, 1103 S. Sixth Street, Butler Building
- Lamar Nutrition Center, 628 Carterville Hwy., Robert L Grooms Building
- Society Hill Nutrition Community Center, 223 Hall Street
Darlington Country Club will continue to have takeout Tuesday dinner specials from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at 125 Country Club Road. Call before noon Tuesday to order. 843-393-2196
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center is partnering with The Blood Connection to host a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 27, outside the hospital, 1304 W. Bobo Newsom Hwy., Hartsville. Those who give blood will be tested for COVID-19 antibodies. During this time, we will also be hosting a plasma collection event for recovered COVID-19 patients. To register to donate whole blood, visit thebloodconnection.org and search for sponsor name Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center. To register to donate convalescent plasma, please contact The Blood Connection at 864-751-1168 to schedule an appointment. You must bring documentation of your positive test.
Carolina Wetlands Association joins wetland enthusiasts all over the country to raise public awareness about the beauty and importance of the nation's wetlands during May, American Wetlands Month. To promote the importance of wetland ecosystems, the Carolina Wetlands Association announces recognizes five Wetland Treasures of the Carolinas each May. Wetland Treasures are ecologically valuable wetlands, protected by conservation plans, and home to a diversity of plants and animals. This year marks the 5th year of the program meaning that 25 wetlands have been honored as Wetland Treasures. Join us for a 30-minute webinar at 12:30 p.m. that will you an overview of the program, highlight the wetlands recognized by this designation, and learn how you can explore more information about our Wetland Treasures in North and South Carolina.
Carolina Clear has brought a Mini-video series: Spring Cleaning your Yard! to its Facebook page each Wednesday at 1 o'clock through the end of May. Each clip is about a minute long and feature different topics to encourage homeowners to take action in their yards to prevent watershed pollution.
Darlington Country Club will continue to serve lunch Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for its Members at 125 Country Club Road.
Enjoy Wine Down Wednesdays at Chianti's Wings & Things, 124 Cashua St., Darlington, from 4 to 9 p.m. with wine and wing specials.
Fahrenheit 225 will have Isolation Trivia Night on Thursdays with four rounds 30-minute rounds beginning at 6 p.m. Each round will consist of 6 questions worth one point each. Each question will be asked as a separate Facebook post. Submit your answer as a reply. The point will go to the first correct answer. Please reply only once with your answer, and do not add any additional replies to that particular post. Any edited answers will not be scored. Each round's winner will be given a $5 credit at the restaurant. Pick up to-go orders at 26 Public Square, Darlington. Call in take-out orders at (843) 944-0321.
The Soup Kitchen is open from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Saturday mornings at 586 W. West Broad St.
Attendees of the B.O.S.S. Up Tour can expect to walk away empowered with knowledge and information that will help them shift from self-doubt, fear, and stagnation and will activate your boldness and give you strength to know you can conquer anything! This one-day event of empowerment, dominion, and the activation is going to shift your mindset and the trajectory of your future from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 30, by Purple Lipstick Ministries. Register here at Eventbrite. Cost: $25.
Lamar Team Chavis invites you to join Darlington County Sheriff Tony Chavis for a Cook Out on Saturday, May 30, beginning at noon, at the Hines Shed on Railroad Avenue in Lamar. Jamie Beasley and his folks will be firing up the grill and cooking BBQ chicken, baked beans and potato salad.
Car Church at Two-O-One Pearl Street, the old post office, will be held at 10 a.m. on Sundays. Drive up and tune the radio to 88.7FM to hear the service. Darlington Police Chief Kelvin Washington will bring the message. Chief Washington is currently attending Seminary in preparation for life after law enforcement. Dianne Sigmon will be the music director for the day!
Parking Lot Church in the grassy area behind the ball field at 10:30 a.m. at Mechanicsville Baptist Church. There will be ushers directing you where to park your vehicle. Once parked, please tune your radio to 102.5FM. All are welcome.
Central Baptist Church, 512 Spring St., encourages believers to drive thru with their offering each Sunday after Pastor Tim Coker's sermon between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. (843) 393-8581
Other churches are streaming services online. Send us the links to your services, and we will distribute them each week. Email info@buildupdarlington.org
Mark Your Calendar
The Original Raceway Grill in Darlington will host a Drop In for Sheriff Tony Chavis's Re-election campaign from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, June 2. Make sure you stop in and enjoy Chicken Bog by Tony Baird and pick up some Team Chavis gear while you're there.
The 11th Annual Omar River Rats River Run and 10th Anniversary Celebration will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 13, at the Cashua Ferry Landing in Darlington. Stops: Hwy 34 Landing • Doe Bar • I-95 • Black Creek • Hwy 301. Registration to be held at Hwy 34 Landing and Hwy 301 Landing beginning at 8:30 a.m. Email OmarRiverRats@gmail.com for questions and sponsorship opportunities.
Affordable Preventative Vet Clinics visit Tractor Supply, 1527 S. Main St., Darlington, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. June 21 and on the third Sunday of each month. (THRU AUG., then Sept. 13)
The City Pool is scheduled to open for the summer on July 8 at 115 Gary St., Darlington. The pool will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. weather permitting Wednesdays through Saturdays until Darlington County School District comes back in the August.
Click here for a list of what businesses are operating and at what capacity. Please send information to info@buildupdarlington.org or text 843-992-1561 to update a listing. We will continue to update as we get information.
For general information about COVID-19, the World Health Organization, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control are trusted sources of information. We encourage you to visit their websites for the most current and correct information.
- World Health Organization
- Centers for Disease Control
- S.C. Department of Health & Environmental Control
DHEC Careline 855-472-3432: Get answers to common questions about the Corona Virus from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week.
If you are sick, MUSC Health offers a Virtual Visit to determine if you should leave home to seek medical attention if you think you may have been exposed to the Corona Virus. Use promo code "COVID19" at this link.
Individuals are encouraged to do all business by phone or email during this event. City staff will be available by phone and email, and essential services will not be interrupted. You can find updates here.
All City offices are restricted to essential personnel only.
You may call the following numbers with service-related issues
- Emergencies, call 911
- Business Licenses - 843-398-4000 ext. 101
- Permits - 843-398-4029
- Water/Sewer, Normal Business Hours, - 843-398-4040
- Water/Sewer, After 5 p.m., - 843-758-1127
- Fire, Non-emergency - 843-398-4013
- Police, Non-emergency - 843-398-4026
- Municipal Court - 843-398-4004
- Streets & Sanitation - 843-398-4035
- Media Inquiries - 843-992-1561
You may still pay your utility bill or traffic citation online here. City staff will disinfect public areas more frequently and have hand sanitizer available in public buildings. Garbage, recycling, and yard debris collection will remain on regular schedule.
Download the DDRA Membership Application here. Download a Map Location Form for your business. Return to info@buildupdarlington.org or DDRA, P.O. Pox 57, Darlington, SC 29540.
To have your event listed on our websites, please email info@buildupdarlington.org or call 843-398-4000 x 103 by the week prior to your event.