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DDRA Annual Meeting


We extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who joined us at the DDRA Annual Meeting. Your presence made the event truly special, and we missed those who were unable to attend. 

Your support and commitment to our town is appreciated, and we are thrilled to have had the opportunity to share our town's vision for the future with you. Hannah Davis, Development Manager for the City of Florence, was our guest speaker. We are excited to send out the presentation she graciously shared. Her insight into Florence's journey of joining the Main Street Program and the success story has left us inspired and motivated to work towards a similar path for Darlington. 

We firmly believe in the potential of our town and are committed to its growth and prosperity. As we progress, we remain dedicated to keeping you updated about our endeavors. Please stay tuned to our website and social media for the latest news and updates. We value your input and look forward to continued collaboration and partnership as we strive to make Darlington an even better place to live, work, and thrive. 

Please email Tamara Kirven for a copy of Florence's Main Street Program.


Tamara Kirven 

Contact: 843.615.1615